Monday, February 07, 2011

Review 2 - Triangle

As this video review is quite short and useless I thought it best to write a better review as well.


This film was made in 2009 and was written and directed by Christopher Smith. You may know him from his film Creep, set in the London underground and is about a creature that lives down there.

Triangle is a much better film than Creep. While Creep sticks to fairly standard horror themes and conventions Triangle plays with them. I am not sure I would even class it as a horror film. It is a psychological thriller with horror tendencies. There is a little blood, and a scary mask (this is not a reference to Scream though and does not even try to be.)

Triangle stars Melissa George who acts the part perfectly. It follows her decent through madness very well.

The trouble with reviewing this film is it is clever. I don't want to ruin the plot and it's twists and turns and eventual conclusion.

I can say that it is crafted beautifully and you really feel for the main character. You are drawn into her anguish and pain and it flows well. It leads you through her experience and out the other side.

Now there are a few "holes" I could mention and a few questions I would like to ask, but with the fact it would spoil the viewing for others, I will leave it.

The story, in it's loosest form is about Melissa Georges character as she leaves her autistic son to go out for the day on a sailing trip. The yacht they are on capsizes and the are rescued by a large cruise liner. It appears deserted and as they explore the ship people start mysteriously dying.

I will leave the story there as I said before any more could ruin what is a great ride through the feelings of one character.

I would recommend this film to horror fans but would also say, if you are not a fan of horror don't think of it as that. It is a thriller. You may jump a few times but I don't think they have made it to be particularly jumpy like a tradition horror.

I would say this film fits with its contemporaries well and it may not have had a huge release or be as known as many films that came out in 2009, but it is one that you should watch.

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